Barry went out to level the dirt where the plumber had dug it up for the septic tie-in. He found this.

So, who knows. Maybe our luck IS about to change. ;-)
We've spent the weekend planning what to do with the house. This is one time when it's incredibly wonderful to be married to an architect. Barry measured and planned and planned and measured, and took a field trip to a huge auction warehouse where we hope to buy a lot of the items we'll need for the house. He was torturing me all day, sending photos of amazing kitchen cabinets and beautiful french-door, stainless-steel refrigerators. I'm planning to go with him next time so that we don't let all these beautiful things go to waste!
Barry and the kids had a blast taping out where the new cabinets and island will go.
I know it doesn't look like much, but imagine the possibilities. :)
I finally started running again this weekend. (Whether I will keep it up remains to be seen, but at least I started). Running is great alone, thinking time for me. Today, coming back up the last hill before our house, I was thinking about two things: One, how striking the fields and sky and sun and clouds. And how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful place. Two, that I hope to get only one thing from this experience and it isn't a new kitchen (though if it does all pan out, that would be great). I hope our kids take away a sense of adventure and possibility. I hope they learn that any experience can be what you make it. And I hope they look back when they are adults and say to each other, Do you guys remember the summer we all lived in the trailer? Wasn't that crazy? I can't believe we did that! And then, I hope, they all laugh like fools just thinking about it.
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